Sunday, 22 March 2015

Proforma Invoice

Proforma Invoice
Proforma is from the Latin word "as a matter of form" or "for the sake of form".

Normally means that the invoice is estimated and not definite.

It is not a true invoice, it is a document that states a commitment from the seller to sell goods to the buyer at specified prices and terms.

A Proforma Invoice is generally raised when the seller is ready for dispatching the goods but want the goods being sent before dispatch.

Custom invoice
Custom invoice is normally use for export declaration.

Commercial invoice
Commercial invoice is used when the commodities shipped are being bought or sold.

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My blog post above includes information obtained or derived from a variety of publicly available sources. I have not sought to establish the reliability of these sources or verified such information. All such information is provided "as is" and I do not give any representation or warranty of any kind (whether expressed or implied) about the suitability, reliability, timeliness, completeness and accuracy of this publication. This publication cannot be construed as professional advice. Accordingly it is not intended to form the basis of any decision and you are advised to seek specific professional advice on any transaction or matter that may be affected by this publication before making any decision or taking an actions.


人一出名就很多名言出自他口, 不懂是不是他说的, 也没有印证, 但觉得还挺有意思所以就写下来, 是不是他说的并不重要。

“晚上想想千条路, 早上起来走原路”
这句话是要勉励想创业, 做事的朋友, 别只是空想, 要有行动, 只有行动才会更靠近梦想。

“创业, 不能等环境好了再去做, 环境好, 每个人都会做, 轮不到你”
做事要勇于开发, 要创新, 要立即行动, 越没人做的利润就越高。
有个故事是说关于两个和尚去西方取经的故事我觉得与这句话有点相似,一个和尚说等他筹够了钱就会马上去西方取经, 另一个和尚就没等筹钱, 马上出发, 沿路打斋求宿, 结果他去取了几次经回来了, 但另一个和尚却还觉得没筹够钱, 一次都没去取到经。

GE - Light the World
Disney - Make Everyone Happy
这句话就表现出了一个人的梦想有多大, 你的产品销量的对象能有多少人。
当你想照亮全世界时, 你的产品就是每一个人都需要用到的, 全人类就是你的客户, 你就会朝着这个方向去开发,就算有一天你只成功了10%, 相信也会有一定的成绩了。

胸怀是被冤枉撑大的, 被冤枉多了, 就不在乎, 无所谓了。



《孙子兵法》- “以正合, 以奇胜”

这两条道理看来背到而驰, 实际上却是殊途同归。

我们要以正兵挡敌, 以奇兵制胜; 前者保持不败, 后者出乎意料,令敌人防不胜防。这两种方式需要结合运用, 灵活处理, 方能达到效果。


隐藏实力, 喜怒不形于色, 把自己的真实的想法深藏于心底, 使之对自己疏于防范, 等到一切都已准备妥当, 抓住有利的时机出手, 往往就能轻易的实现自己的目标。